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Client engagement

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Ikhaya Automation is based in Pietermaritzburg and focuses on the design and manufacture of Real Time Temperature Monitoring solutions. The Right Choice was contracted to expand their market footprint in Gauteng and surrounding provinces. Services include Sales, Marketing, Account management and Business Development 

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Economic Development Solutions  is a bespoke consulting firm that specialises on Economic Development strategies for Independent Power Producers, Construction firms and Mining companies. The firm developed new hosted software solutions that monitor and report on carbon emission and carbon tax liabilities and approached our firm with market development services for its new product suite.

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Jembi Health Systems is a Non-Governmental organisation that assists with the implementation of support programs for the Health sector. They required technical assistance with a due diligence of a data center implementation by one of the government agencies as well as the development of a data centre strategy for the next three years for that agency.

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